Online payment cards
Mobile top-ups
All our products

Data protection

In the context of products and / or services on sale on our sites, beCHARGE may collect certain data (identity card, passport, email, telephone number, IP, date of birth, postal address, bank details). Those data are collected for the purpose of allowing access to certain electronic money services such as MoneyGram and prepaid payment card products, in order to validate the transaction or in order to protect both the consumer and beCHARGE from attempted fraud.
If you want certain data to be deleted or modified, you can send us an email at [email protected] .
However, we specify that for certain products such as money market or money transfer products, the international AML (Anti Money Laundering) and KYC (Know Your Customer) rules require us to keep and process certain information relating to transactions and your identity at the same time, minimum 24 months.
What is the PWA? A Progressive Web App that is built like a website but acts like an application. Once installed, an icon with the beCHARGE logo will appear on your home screen. All you have to do is click and enjoy our many products.