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Welcome to your Colas gift page


Welcome to your Colas gift page!

Colas is delighted to offer you a beCHARGE gift card.

This card gives you the freedom to choose the product you want from the whole range offered on the beCHARGE platform.

You'll be able to access the most popular gift cards such as Zalando, Netflix, IKEA, Airbnb, Nike, Uber Eats and many more!

How do you use it?

It's so easy!

The beCHARGE gift card can be used in one go or in several times.

Enjoy your gift card!

And now it's time to treat yourself or your loved ones.

Start your shopping adventure!

Select the product of your choice

adidas Belgiumadidas Belgium AirbnbAirbnb BaseBase beCHARGE GiftcardbeCHARGE Giftcard BolBol Decathlon BelgiumDecathlon Belgium DeliverooDeliveroo DreamLand Family+DreamLand Family+ EnebaEneba FlixbusFlixbus Foot LockerFoot Locker Google PlayGoogle Play IKEAIKEA InternationalInternational iTunesiTunes JetonCashJetonCash KinepolisKinepolis KoboKobo League of LegendsLeague of Legends Let's Eat+Let's Eat+ Libon CallLibon Call Libon PaymentLibon Payment Lycamobile BelgiumLycamobile Belgium Netflix BelgiumNetflix Belgium NikeNike Nintendo eShopNintendo eShop Nintendo Pokémon Expansion PassNintendo Pokémon Expansion Pass Nintendo Switch OnlineNintendo Switch Online OrangeOrange paysafecard Belgiumpaysafecard Belgium ProximusProximus RobloxRoblox Sony PlayStation BelgiumSony PlayStation Belgium SpotifySpotify SteamSteam TwitchTwitch Uber & Uber EatsUber & Uber Eats UlysseUlysse Xbox GiftcardXbox Giftcard ZalandoZalando
What is the PWA? A Progressive Web App that is built like a website but acts like an application. Once installed, an icon with the beCHARGE logo will appear on your home screen. All you have to do is click and enjoy our many products.